Friday, September 23, 2016

Types or Structure of trade union

The trade union structure is composed three components:- Basic Unions, Industrial federations, National federations.

(1)Basic union
This is the main union formed by the direct participation of the workers Grass root level. There exists 5,242 registered basic union in BD. Basic union can be divided by:-

  •  General trade union: Trade union which is formed directly with all level of people i.e. wage earner (without specialized skills)
  • Industrial union: Trade union formed by the workers of an enterprise belonging to a particular industry like, jute industry, garment industry etc.
  • Craft union: Trade union formed with skilled professionals of different industries.
  • Blue collar union: Trade union formed with the workers who are directly involved in production process of an organization.
  • White collar union: Trade union formed with the workers who are not directly involved in production process of an organization.
  • Mixed union: Combination of blue and white collar union.
  • CBA union: Trade union formed with the bargaining agent of workers. They are elected for definite time period.   

(2)Industrial federations
Industrial federations are formed with the affiliation of different basic unions belonging to a particular industry. At present there exist more than 90 registered industrial federations in BD.

(3)National federations
It stands on the apex position of the structure of the trade union. National federations are the controllers and coordinators of affiliated basic union and industrial federations. At present there exist 23 registered national federations in BD and they are united under SKOP(Sramik Karmachari Oikko Parishad)