Friday, September 23, 2016

Stages of International Marketing

*      1.  No Direct Foreign Marketing
*      Company does not actively pursue customers in foreign markets, but receives them by unintended channels
          Products are sold abroad through domestic wholesalers/distributors, website on the internet
*      2.  Infrequent Foreign Marketing
*      Company sells to foreign markets only when a temporary surplus of product exists
          Once surplus is gone, foreign activity is gone
          Few companies fit this model because of the need to develop long term relationships in foreign countries

*      3.  Regular Foreign Marketing
*      Companies produce their products and services to primarily sell domestically, but also internationally
          Through domestic/foreign middlemen, sales force in foreign countries
*      4.  International Marketing
*      Companies are fully engaged in international marketing strategies
          Companies are now international or multi-national
*      Global Marketing
*      Change from its marketing activities to all activities focused in a global perspective
          Treat the world as one market
          Market segment is no longer focused on national borders, rather such things as income levels, usage patterns, or other factors are looked across borders