A non-governmental organization (NGO)
is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local,
national or international level. NGO’s usually deliver resources or serve some
social or political purpose.
The structures of NGOs vary
considerably. With the improvement in communications, more locally-based groups
have become active at the national or even the global level. A civil society is
composed of three sectors: government, the private sector and civil society, excluding
businesses. NGOs are components of social movements within a civil society.
NGO Types:-
NGO –The main purpose of operational NGO is to mobilize resources and design
and implement the development-related projects. The scope of the Operational
NGOs can be national, international or even community-based.
NGO –The main purpose of an Advocacy NGO is to promote a specific cause. It
makes efforts to raise awareness and knowledge by doing various activities like
lobbying, press work and activist events.