There are
basically two steps in the model:
1) Identifying Leadership Style & defining the Situation
1) Identifying Leadership Style & defining the Situation
1st step: For identifying
leadership Fiedler created the Least Prefer Co-worker (LPC) Questionnaire.
instrument that tells to measure whether a person is task or relationship
He set 18
pair of questions with 18 scales. Each scale valued from
Example: Pleasant 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1 Unpleasant
Friendly 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1 Unfriendly
The person
who makes the lowest LPC if his score:
57 or
less = Low LPC (task oriented)
= Middle LPC (socio-independent leader)
64 or
above = High LPC (relationship oriented)
2nd step: In defining
situation Feidler uncovered 3 contingency dimensions:
1. Leader-member relations: The degree
of confidence, trust, and respect, of employees for their leaders.
2. Task structure: The degree to which the job assignments are procedurized
3. Position Power: The degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, promotion etc.
2. Task structure: The degree to which the job assignments are procedurized
3. Position Power: The degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, promotion etc.
Matching leadership style and situations
by mixing the 3 dimension there are potentially 8 different situation in which
leaders could find themselves:
[Task oriented leader tend to perform
better in situation that are very favourable to them instead of unfavourable
condition so, Fiedler predict that when task oriented leader faced with
category 1,2,3,7,8 situation they perform better. Relationship oriented leader
however perform better in moderately favourable situation with category 4,5,6.
Thus we can say task-oriented leader perform best in situation of high and low
control while relationship oriented leaders perform best in moderate control