model that focuses on follower “readiness”
Followers can accept or reject the leader
Effectiveness depends on the followers’ response
to the leader’s actions
“Readiness” is
the extent to which people have the ability and willingness
to accomplish a specific task
paternal model:
As the child matures, the adult releases more
and more control over the situation
As the workers become more ready, the leader
becomes more laissez-faire
Hersey and
Blencherd identify four specific leader behaviors:
R1: followers
are unable and unwilling to do a task; the leader needs to give specific and
clear directions.
R2: followers
are unable and willing; the leader needs to display a high task orientation.
R3: followers
are able and unwilling; the leader needs to use a supportive and participative
R4: followers
are both able and willing; the leader doesn't need to do much.