Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Moralization refers to the conversion of a preference into a value, within a culture and in individual lives. It is hypothesized that values, because of associated moral meanings, are more likely to produce internalization than instrumental concerns such as health risks. Specifically, it is predicted that liking for and disgust toward a substance or activity will be more extreme if the substance or activity is treated as a value (is moralized). Moralization is the process through which preferences are converted into values, both in individual lives and at the level of culture. Moralization is often linked to health concerns, including addiction. It is significant because moralized entities are more likely to receive attention from governments and institutions, to encourage supportive scientific research, to license censure, to become internalized, to show enhanced parent-to-child transmission of attitudes, to motivate the search by individuals for supporting reasons, and, in at least some cases, to recruit the emotion of disgust. Moralization seems to be promoted in predominantly Protestant cultures and if the entity is associated with stigmatized groups or harmful to children.

Moralization is the foundation of all good qualities. Only by laying the firm establishment of ethical purification as a first step, will one become emotionally and psychologically mature to advance towards the fulfillment of higher stages of concentration and wisdom. It also upholds whatever wholesome states one already has. The Buddha declared the lifetime of a person who lives without Moralization is worthless even although he should living for a hundred ages, compared to a one who lives for only one day keeping the morals pure. Indeed, the moral conduct or behavior is the first and the best important in Buddha’s teaching.

Moralization is very important for all beings, to monastic as laity to live a pure and blameless life. Nevertheless, in Buddhism Moralization is not for the sake of Moralization alone, it is for the concentration and wisdom. We essential to therefore, practice meditation to fulfill these factors, study dharma and associate with upright persons. The Buddha declared the Moralization and in
Buddhists’ daily route it is very important. Moralization can make mankind happy and peaceful here and hereafter. In the social today, these intellectuals but there is no real peace and security. Something must be lacking. What is lacking is Moralization amongst mankind. If someone observes the moralization, not only he but also other persons will be happy and peaceful. For example, someone always because one observes the first rule of five of precepts which Buddhists should at least observe, one who is virtuous will get happiness and peace here as hereafter, other living beings can live without fear and worry freely and happily. Life is dear to all, and all trembles at punishment, all terror death and value life. Hence, we cannot give and we should not harm other sentient beings. The true way to attain peace to others and to the world at large is to follow Moralization discovered by the Buddha over 2500 years ago. The Pāli term “Sīla” rendered as Moralization is nonentity but a practice of restraint on one’s bodily and verbal conducts. It is indispensable one in the social because it plays a dynamic role in pursuit of both worldly gain and liberation from the rotund of suffering. It covers the increase and ecrease of the globe and of each individual.

There had been a gradual decrease up to ten years in the life-span of beings since they were completely overwhelmed by immoral actions such as killing living beings, stealing others’ properties, committing adultery, telling lie, and holding wrong views. Together with reduction of life span, the beauties of beings are also faded; and human attempts to be healthy and beautiful e.i, end in various catastrophic failures. Also there had been a gradual increase of human life span, beauty and absence of disasters in the social since people restrained themselves from doing immoral actions, with sense of urgency on the misfortunes of the world. Thus it is a proving description on the vitality of Moralization in pursuit of worldly gains.

Moralization plays a fundamental role in pursuit of liberation from the suffering also. The practice leading to the liberation is systematically formulated by the Buddha as three-stepped training such as training of Moralization, training of concentration and training of wisdom. Among them, Moralization stands as the fundamental practice in Buddhism, for a purified Moralization can pave the way for the easy attainment of Arāhathood. In the Pāli text, there can find many stories proving the above-mentioned statement related by those who attained Arāhathood. There was uncountable number of beings who enjoyed worldly gains from observing Moralization in their present life and who enjoyed freedom from round of sorrow by observing Moralization. Therefore, in the Visuddhimagga, the noble persons mentioned their firm conviction as to the practice of Moralization thus: Wealth for a sound limb’s sake should be renounced, And one’s limbs for the sake of one’s life should be given up; And wealth and limbs and life all together for the sake of one’s Moralization should be abandoned. There is many a great discourse on the Moralization in the Pāli literature. Of them, the researcher going to lay emphasis only on Moralization