Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cumming and Worley's change management model

Motivating change
Creating Readiness for Change: Sensitize the organization to pressures for change & identify gaps between actual and desired states
Overcoming Resistance to Change: Provide empathy and support & Communicate
Creating a Vision
Discover and Describe the Organization’s Core Ideology: What are the core purpose & core values that inform members what is important in the organization
Construct the Envisioned Future: What are the bold and valued outcomes
Managing Political Support
Assess Change Agent Power, Identify Key Stakeholders, Influence Stakeholders
Managing the Transition
Activity Planning: What’s the “roadmap” for change?
Commitment Planning: Whose support is needed, where do they stand, and how to influence their behavior?
Management Structures: What’s the appropriate arrangement of people and power to drive the change?
Sustaining Momentum
Provide Resources for Change
Build a Support System for Change Agents
Develop New Competencies and Skills
Reinforce New Behaviors
Stay in the Course