Thursday, September 22, 2016

Managerial pattern

Managing directorial pattern: Here the management of the company is done by the managing director. He or she entrusted with substantial power of management authorized by the MOA or AOA or by agreement. He or she is the member of the directors. He or she plays vital role for the company. This type of management is commonly seen.

Managerial pattern: Here the management of the company is done by a general manager. He or she acts as superintendence, control and direction of the BOD. A manager may or may not be the member of the board. This form is rarely seen in Bangladesh.

Managing agency pattern: A very large number of companies in our country managed by managerial agents before the birth of our country. Managerial agent can be a firm or person legally authorized to undertake all the activities of the firm. However, this sort of management is not practiced in our country now.