Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Importance of Drama

 The general term "DRAMA" is understood to be a composition literary, which is written to be represented in theaters. For that reason authors consider its solid rules, without their application drama can't be successful in stage. At drama devoid the confession and description, whereas all the text surrender via dialogue and monologue. Drama differs considerably from poetry or narrative because drama it is usually written to be performed in stage by actors. Aside from the text that actors will express, are also a component of drama, wherewith characterizes the view of scene, personages doings and demeanors, the noises that are going to be heard etc., which usually puts in brackets. Classic drama (Greek and roman) was written in verse and was played in amphitheaters; some of them are still saved (for example in Butrint, which was Greek colony). Classic drama have had a solid construction, they were count by strong rules, so its composition necessarily traversed in those phases: exhibition, interlacement, culmination, vicissitude and solution. A drama usually separate in small components, which are called acts, so we have dramas with five acts, three acts, one act etc., meanwhile smaller unit is scene, which hits every actors entrance and exit in stage. Another feature of classic drama was oneness of the place (the event had to came off in one place), oneness of the time (the event held out twenty-four hours) and oneness of the doings (the event didn't have a break). As every drama flow by a conflict, which make a specific language, more dynamic, more emotional, not usual. Modern drama arrived to bring in scene the man, life and random language (Culler, 1997).

Drama is the most significant model of learning and is a basic activity for learning. it is the way of  helping children to think about their individual or social problems. Children can learn to explore issues, events and connections, by means of drama. In drama, children draw on their knowledge and experience of the real world in order to create a make-believe world, Thus, drama is one of the few areas of the curriculum which is built on dreams and Dramatic forms are infusive of another educational and arts forms. That is, in dramatic activity can be employed language, music, dance and movement. There are two main categories of dramatic forms: play and improvisation. Play is the prerogative of children and it differs from work. Through play children learn to get on with others and to find out how they stand in relation to others. In fact, children's play is purposive and requires considerable effort. It is the only and the natural venire through which they learn about themselves and the world. Drama is similar to play in that it is useful in developing play so that children can extend themselves creatively and constructively. With drama and play children ought to be able to express and communicate their feelings and understandings in their own ways.

Drama is the centre of existence; because, it is a valuable form of communication. Drama provides children with an opportunity to work together cooperatively on a shared life. As a result, it gives children the change to express themselves more effectively in everyday situations. Moreover, drama encourages children to learn how to influence others and how to put themselves in other people's shoes. This activity is thought to have educational value. Same people claim that trying to be in someone else's shoes and to imagine in certain situations gives a physical, visual and immediate experience or discussing the same things.

Drama is emerging as a powerful model of leaming through which students are encauraged to gain mastery over their own thinking. Furthermore, there are some purposes for using drama as a method which is as follows: - Drama affords students an opportunity to work together co-operatively on a shared project.It alsa increases the child's awareness of the divergence of views both within the classroom and within the wider social context. - Drama extends both the range and quality of the child's language usage. It provides an opportunity for trying out different model s of discourse and can create an impetus for a wide variety of oral and written forms. - Drama can also offer children the opportunity of critically apprising their own and other's work. - Drama is a particularly useful way of "opening up" problems, themes and topics that are of social concern. it enables children to view such subject matter from varying perspectives and to raise their own awareness of the complexity of the issues involved. Drama involves children in a complex process of selection, demanding of them an ability to choose between various effects and devices in order to shape a unified and coherent utterance So far it can be seen from the article that drama is an important device of educational experience which should be available to all students in elementary schools.

The first advantage of using drama in elementary schools is that it allows students to work together and to share responsibility for the development of self actualization which is the main objective of educatian and which alsa continue s throughout life. If a student achieves self actualization, he will have the qualities of being realistic, creative, trust and independent. In drama students actively engage in situations which make sense to them in terms of their past experiences and their present levels of understanding. Because of this, each drama activity provides them with new experiences and fresh perspectives. This kind of activity causes self actualization in child.

In addition, both teacher and student participation are equally important for the success of drama.
Personal emotional development is the second advantage of using drama in elementary schools. The new idea in education, that is drama, opens up possibilities for free choice and individual decisions. Therefore, it helps the individual to explore many aspects of the world and even his own feelings and emotion. If drama is used with learning and teaching experiences in elementary schools, it would help students to develop in the desired ways. Drama will also provide a bridge for the students who understand to become their role in sharing responsibilities with their classmates. Furthermore, to act out a dramatic activity, a class of students must cooperate; all have to agree to try to sustain the drama, to support one another's efforts to believe, to share their personal ideas and interpretations with others. What is more, drama may become the catalyst for the establishment of interpersonal relationships outside of the classroom so that it will lead to personal or emotional development.