Thursday, September 22, 2016

Juran's Trilogy

Quality guru Joseph Juran developed the ‘Juean’s Trilogy’ an approach to cross-functional management that is composed of three managerial processes. They are:-Quality planning, Quality control and Quality improvement. The trilogy requires management to understand the above three methodology.
Quality planning
Develops and puts strategic & tactical goal that needs to be achieved. It includes:-
·         Establish quality goals
·         Identify who the customers are and their needs
·         Develop process and the features of product according to customers need
·         Establish process control

Quality control
To prevent and correct unwanted and unexpected change. It includes:-
·         Evaluate actual performance
·         Compare actual performance with quality goals
·         Act on the difference

Quality improvement
Constructs a breakthrough system to create planned, predictable, and managed change. It includes:-
·         Prove the need and establish the infrastructure
·         Identify the improvement projects
·         Establish the project teams and providing them with resources and training
·         Establish control to hold gain