Thursday, September 22, 2016


Family is a biological social unit mainly comprised of husband, wife and children. The family is a universal social institution, it is also an inevitable part of human society.
*According to Burgess and Lock, “the family is a group of people united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption forming a single household and interacting with each other as husband and wife, father and mother, brother and sister.”
*According to G.P Murdock, “family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.”
*According to Nimkoff, ”family is a more/less durable association of husband and wife with/without child or of a man/women alone with children.”
*According to Talcott parsons, “families are factories which produce human personalities.”   
So, family is a group of people with or without children encompasses husband and wife by ties of marriage and it is characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction.