Friday, September 23, 2016

Management as a 'Profession'

Profession can be defined as an occupation backed by specialized knowledge and training, in which entry is restricted. The basic requirements of profession are:-

Requirement 1: Well defined body of knowledge- A profession must have a formal body of knowledge, that can be used for rendering service.

Requirement 2: Restricted entry- The entry of a profession is restricted through an examination or degree. A person can practice as Doctor only when he is having MBBS

Requirement 3: Presence of professional associations- Special associations are established and every professional has to get himself registered with his association before practicing that profession.

Requirement 4: Existence of ethical codes- The professional people has some code of conducts and the people strongly abide by this code of conduct. 

Requirement 5: Service motive- The basic motive of every profession is to serve the clients with dedication.

Requirement 6: Formal education and training- To be a profession the education and training must come from institutions or university.

Justification of management as profession
Requirement 1
An efficient manger bears specialized body of knowledge
Requirement 2
Anyone can become a manager. To be manager no specified degree or examination is needed.
Requirement 3
Few manager are members of their associations like AIMA, NIPM etc.
Requirement 4
A few manager follow some code of conduct
Requirement 5
Main motive of a manger is to maximize profit
Requirement 6
Many managers come from formal educational institutions

(From the above discussions it is cleared that management is not a full-fledged profession)