Friday, September 23, 2016

Collective Bargaining with its types

Collective Bargaining
Collective bargaining is made of 2 words, collective: which implies group action through its representatives & bargaining: which suggests negotiating
Thus it implies, “collective negotiation of a contract between the management’s representatives on one side and those of the workers on the other.”
According to Edwin B.Flippo, “Collective Bargaining is a process in which the representatives of a labor organization and the representatives of the business organization meet and attempt to negotiate a contract or agreement which specifies the nature of the employee-employer union relationship.”

Structure/Levels of Collective Bargaining
Plant level: It is the basic or micro level unit. Bargaining conducted between the management and CBA of the same plant.
Industry level: Several units in same industry form an association/unions and bargain for common cause
National level: Here the terms of reference and shape are much wider though such agreements are not so common in Bangladesh. Here the bargaining is between federation(s) of unions and an employer’s association.

Types of Collective Bargaining
Distributive or Conjunctive bargaining: It involves zero-sum negotiations, in other words, one side wins and the other loses. e.g. wages, benefits, bonus, etc.
Cooperative bargaining: In Cooperative or Integrative bargaining both the parties may gain or at least neither party loses. e.g. better training program.
Productivity bargaining: In Productivity bargaining worker’s wages and benefits are negotiated against their productivity. That means, the more they productive, the better wages and benefit they will get. 
Composite bargaining: In Composite bargaining, worker’s bargain usually for wages comparing with their work level, employment level and environmental hazards etc.