Friday, September 23, 2016

Collective Bargaining process

Identification of Problem
The nature of problem influences whole process of negotiation. Whether the problem is very important or no so important, major or minor. It also influences selection of representatives, their size, period of negotiation and period of agreement. As such it is important for both parties to be clear about the problem.

Preparing for negotiation
When it becomes necessary to solve the problem through collective bargaining process, both the parties prepare themselves for negotiations. It starts with selection of representatives who can carry-out negotiations with patience, composure and who can present their view effectively. Other preparations include fixing up time for negotiations, period of negotiations, etc which also depend upon circumstances.

Negotiation of Agreement
Usually there will be a chief negotiator who is from management side. He directs and presides the process. This is a major obstacle in the bargaining process. When a solution is reached at, it is put on the paper taking concerned legislations into consideration. Bothe the parties concerned sign the agreement which, in turn, becomes a binding contract for both the parties.

Implementation of the contract
A consensual agreement is reached upon wherein both the parties agree to a common decision regarding the problem. This stage consist of effective joint implementation of the agreement through share vision, strategic planning and negotiated change.

The result of Collective Bargaining procedure is called the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). It may be in the form of procedural agreements or substantive agreements.