Friday, September 23, 2016

Essentials of good Industrial Relations

Good industrial relations depend on the co-operative and constructive attitude from both part as management & union. Still there exist some certain conditions/principles/essentials that helps to maintain harmonious industrial relations:
Proper democratic environment
Proper democratic environment in any enterprise is essential in order to maintain a sound IR.
Efficient management
To reduce disputes & other conflicts, efficient management helps to maintain good IR.
Existence of strong, organized trade unions
Sound IR requires equality of bargaining power of the workers’ union & management. A strong trade union can protect the workers’ interests relating to wage, job security etc.
Existence of sound, organized employers’ unions
All organizations within industry must follow identical policy, rules and regulation in order to maintain a sound IR.
Spirit of collective bargaining
Collective bargaining means, negotiation between an employer and a labor union usually on wages, hours, and working conditions. Here it means both parties must consider each other for removing conflict.