Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Credit Control & its methods

Credit means to lend money to others and control means not to exceed the marginal value. Commercial bank provide loan to individual, institutions or industry. If the limit of credit expires then economic imbalance will occur. So to ensure a good economic balance , central bank controls the credit.

Quantitative methods of credit control
(1)Bank rate policy: The rate at which Central bank gives loan to commercial bank is known as bank rate policy. CB increases or decreases those rate according to necessity.
(2)Open market operations: Refers to the buying and selling government and other approved securities by the central bank in order to curb deflationary and inflationary pressures in the economy
(3)Variation of cash reserve: All commercial bank must have a special amount of reserve in the account of CB. The amount is 6%. If credit increased, CB increases the reserve ratio and if decreases then CB decreases the reserve ratio.