Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Capacity & its terminologies

Capacity is the maximum rate of output for a particular operations or thinks. The manager should have an idea regarding the capacity to meet the current & future demand of the product.

(1)Peak capacity: It is the maximum rate of output that an organization can achieve under an ideal or a favourable condition
(2)Effective capacity: It is the maximum output rate that an organization economically sustained under a normal condition
(3)Rated capacity: Rated capacity is the capacity which is assessed by the engineer or The capacity which is mentioned in the body of the machine. It's an engineering assessment.
(4)Utilization rate: It is the degree to which 5M are currently being used to fulfil the maximum capacity
(5)Capacity cushion: The amount of reserve capacity of a particular organization.
(6)Capacity gap: Any differences between projected/calculated and current capacity. It can be positive or negative
(7)Economies of scale: It is the concept that describes the average cost per unit can be reduced by increasing the output rate.
(8)Diseconomies of scale: It is the concept that the average cost per unit can be increased if the output rate is being increased.