Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The development of HRM

(1)Increasing international competition: As the international competition increased, so an organization must have to produce quality product that can compete in international market. For this reason we need skilled labor, and skilled labor can be obtained by developing the workforce
(2)Increasing complexity and size of organization: The size of organization is increasing and become more complex structured. It causing deviation to complete the works successfully. To maintain all the functions we need to follow the HRM
(3)Government intervention: Government supervise every organization to ensure the labor right and to provide security. In this way government intervened on. HR practice
(4)Widespread education: As the branches of education spreading widely, more subject regarding HRM evolved. These developed HRM and increased the demand of HRM
(5)Higher expectation: Day by day the expectation of human are increasing on an organization. They are highly wanted to be the man of organization and they wanted that their opinion have to be prioritized. These influence the emergence of HRM
(6)Career and life satisfaction: Management should provide the best benefits so that they could extract the best output from employees.
(7)Demographic change: It indicates the change in environment. HRM emerged as for the diverse participation of employees in organization and to handle different situation by the management
(8)Changing nature of work: Day by day the nature of work changed for more technical improvement.