Role negotiation technique is the controlled negotiation between parties
in which each party gives written statement that they will change certain
behavior in return for the changes in behavior by the other. Role Negotiation
Technique developed by Roger Harrison.
Steps involved in this technique:-
- Contract setting-Consultant sets the climate and establishes the ground rules. They are:
- We are looking at work behavior not personal feelings
- Be specific in expressing what we want from other:- To do more/less, stop doing etc.
- All expectation must be written
- No one will agree to change unless other agree to change
- For a consensus of all a written contract will be made.
- Issue diagnosis- Individuals think about how their own effectiveness can be improved if others change their work behaviors.
- Influence trade- Negotiation period in which two individuals discuss the most important behavior changes they want from the other and the changes they are willing to make themselves.