Wednesday, October 9, 2024

F.W. Taylor

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915)
*    Origin: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
*    Nationality: American
*    Occupation: Mechanical engineer, Efficiency expert, Management consultant
*    Religious belief: Quaker & Puritan
*    Known for: father of scientific management, father of industrial   engineering,
*    Contribution in management:
*      Published ‘Principles of Scientific Management’ in 1911
*      Famous experiment was ‘Time Study’
*      Established the theory of scientific management:-
*      Using scientific methods to define the “one best   way”  for a job to be done
*      Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment.
*      Having a standardized method of doing the job.
*      Providing an economic incentive to the worker.
*      Developed 4 principles of scientific management:-
*      Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with scientifically studied
*      Scientifically select, train and develop each worker
*      Cooperate with the workers
*      Divide work equally between managers and workers