Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reasons behind globalization

Globalization is not a new phenomenon. In recent decades the process of globalization has accelerated; this is due to a variety of factors, but important ones include improved trade, increased labor and capital mobility and improved technology. Main reasons that have caused globalization are-
1) Increased in and application of technology
The development of communication such as internet, email and mobile phones, plays vital role to the growth of globalization because they help MNCs to operate throughout the world. Also there has been a rapid growth in transportation enabling greater movement of people and goods across the globe. The advancement in communication and transportation is also a major factor in increase in and expansion in technology.
2) Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements
Global trading block(EU, NAFTA, ASEAN) and institutions(WTO,IMF)liberalized cross border trade. MNCs and rich capitalist countries have always promoted global free trade as a way of increasing their own wealth and influence.
3) Development of services that support international business
Countries have now developed a variety of services that facilitate conduct of international business. Some are: Bank credit agreements, insurance that covers risks such as damages, services of UPS or DHL.
4) Growth of consumer pressures
Consumer now a days are more aware about the products and services that are available within and outside their domestic territory. Today consumers want new and better products that are finely differentiated.
5) Increased global competition
The pressures both present and potential of increased foreign competition can persuade companies to buy or sell abroad.
6) Changing political situation
Now a days Government is supporting programs favorable to international trade. They are now providing an array of services to help domestic companies sell abroad and vice versa.
7) Expansion of cross-national cooperation
Cross national cooperation increased by means of treaties, agreements and consultation