Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Audit report & parts of it

A report that discloses or expresses the opinion of an auditor regarding the reliability & validity of the financial information of a business organization, is known as audit report.

Seven parts of standard unqualified audit report.
(1)Report title: It is the title of an audit report. Most often "Independent auditors' report"or "Auditors' report" is used as a title.
(2)Audit report address: It is the address to whom the report will be submitted. Generally they addressed to management or shareholders.
(3)Introductory paragraph: Introductory paragraph encompasses three things:
firstly, the statement which clarify that which CPA firm has done the auditing.
secondly, it states that which years financial statements as balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement has been audited.
thirdly, it states that the financial statements are the responsibility of management, the auditors expressed only opinion based on the audit.
(4)Scope paragraph: It is a factual statement about what the auditor did in the audit, also it states that the auditor followed GAAP
(5)Opinion paragraph: It is the most important part of an audit report. Here the auditor expresses opinion based on the result of the audit.
(6)Name of CPA firm: The name which identifies the CPA firm or practitioner who performed the audit.
(7)Audit report date: The appropriate date on which the audit has been completed.