Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Force Field Analysis

Force-field analysis is the oldest OD intervention kit for OD practitioners. It is a device which helps in understanding problematic situation and planning corrective actions. It is developed by Kurt Lewin in 1947. The force-field analysis involves the following steps:-
Step 1: Identifying a problematic situation you are interested in improving.
Step 2: Carefully and completely describe the desired condition.
Step 3: Identify the forces and factors operating in the current force field (Pushing towards desired condition and pushing away from desired condition)
Step 4: Examine the forces founded in previous step. 
Step 5: Execute strategies for moving the equilibrium from the current condition to the desired condition (By adding more driving forces, removing restraining forces or both)
Step 6: Implement action plans that should move towards the desired condition
Step 7: Describe what actions must be taken to stabilize the equilibrium at the desired condition and implement those actions.